Saturday, October 29, 2016

Is there a correlation between pumpkins and politicians?

Previous chunkings ...

While the real candidates are stomping, prepping, speaking, rehearsing and out politicking, let's pause a moment to learn about the real pumpkin. No, this isn't Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin, but instead the one the Newton-Conover Middle School students are using for this project - and to shed some light on that Jack-o-lantern you may have sitting on your porch.

It's fitting that we use a pumpkin, because they all started out a little crooked - that is - their handles. They stored very well, a concept which can be applied to lengthy terms in office.

Even though there are hundreds of varieties, there are only 4 main species.

  • Pepo - Thin-skinned, the kind we're using for the political politicians. Even though the website says they have a long shelf life, we found some got pretty rotten. You can draw your own conclusion!
  • Maxima - These get huge and stay around for a while. Perhaps you could call them the Super Pacs!
  • Moschata - These are monsters and often come in different colors. They last forever and carry a lot of weight and seeds. You may call them Deep Pocket Donors!
  • Mixta - Well, they're pale and not so sweet. They are often cooked stuffed. What would you call them?

All pumpkins, squash and gourds are related. Most are round and can float back and forth across the aisle. Some are pretty crooked. But, in the end, they are all great to eat. It may be a challenge to find their sweetness.

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